Concentrated high-performance disinfectant cleaner for disinfecting and cleaning floors, surfaces and objects.

Effective against bactericide, yeasticide, virucide, vaccina, influenza, BVDV, HBV, HCV, HIV, Tuberculocide, Certified Quality. With good Material compatibility. Odour-neutralizing and pleasantly scented. Free of quaternary ammonium compounds.

Active substance: Amines.


Surface Disinfection (bactericidal and yeasticidal efficacy,  german VAH guideline: –– 0,25 % 240 min. 0,50 % 30 min. 1,00 % 15 min.

Tuberculocidal efficacy (mycobacterium terrae): –– 1,00 % 60 min. 

Influenza (CEN14476): –– 1,00 % 15 min.

Vaccina (CEN 14476): –– 2,00 % 15 min. 1,50 % 30 min.

BVDV, Surrogat HCV/HIV/HBV (CEN14476): –– 1,00 % 5 min.



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Please contact us, we are happy to help you.

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